Rafter bracket
Rafter bracket

rafter bracket

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    rafter bracket

    We will also do our best to help you out with your own roofing project. We will do our best to help you with any questions or problems you may have about this or any of our products. We are here to help! Call us on 01295 565565, email us or chat to us online. Have a Question About the Lindab Steel Guttering - 200mm Rafter Bracket? Originating from Sweden, they have grown to become one of the most reputable companies in Europe, and today operates in over 30 countries. Lindab has been working for well over half a century to perfect it’s wide range of sheet-metal products. With 11 different colours available there is plenty of choice, so you can pick the ideal finish to suit your project. These coatings are UV stable, and feature exquisite gloss retention and colour fastness. The aforementioned polyester paint finish that is applied to each component in the Lindab Rainline range can be produced in a wide variety of colours. Adapted to withstand extreme weather and wear, it will function perfectly and look excellent during every season throughout the year. Finally, a high-build polyester paint is applied to the steel, resulting in a segment with an exceptional finish that is also incredibly resistant to corrosion. A zinc coating is placed over the sheet, and this followed by a primer coating. The process of creating each component involves covering the steel sheet in layers of three different materials. This makes Lindab ideal for a wide range of properties, whether commercial or domestic. Thanks to the sourcing of high-quality materials, components in this drainage system are durable and lightweight, allowing for a quick and simple installation without having to worry about damaging any segments during the process of application. Made from a high-performing steel, it has been designed to drain water from your roof as efficiently as possible with minimum maintenance required, for as long as possible. This assortment of steel guttering boasts components of the highest quality that make up one of the most advanced drainage systems on the market. This rafter bracket is one of the many products in the Lindab Rainline guttering range.

  • Environmentally friendly production, with lowest carbon footprint of any rainwater system.
  • Fits seamlessly with other components in the system.
  • Part of the Lindab Steel Guttering range.
  • rafter bracket

    Overview for the Lindab Steel Guttering - 200mm Rafter Bracket

    Rafter bracket