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Freeciv net

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Log messages about ruleset errors are less likely to get cut.Improved ruleset load time checking against illegal city_size values for units for which it's relevant osdn#44730.Made lua city creation methods to not allow illegal city placement osdn#44508.Fixed zombies appearing on the client side when unit was created by lua upon receiving "unit_lost" signal HRM#867958.Check that resources have "extra" defined now works correctly osdn#44191.Added missing information for tex AI module osdn#44445Ĭhanges affecting other rulesets / modders.Upkeep of Engineers is now switched to gold once the player knows The Corporation osdn#43848.Fixed the player created by a civil war to have as many future techs as the original player osdn#44737.Prevented startunits setting from creating multiple units of a type that is supposed to be unique osdn#44685.

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This affects research cost of later techs osdn#44593

  • Fixed bookkeeping of number of techs known, when one is about to receive a tech but fails to do so.
  • Corrected the number of "other units killed" when the attacked tile has also unreachable units osdn#44416.
  • Fixed generated team names like Team 1 to be consistent which team they refer to in all situations osdn#44382.
  • Destroyed cities are now removed from the maps of players seeing them through Reveal_Cities' effect, like then one civ1 ruleset Apollo Program gives osdn#444028.
  • Supplied scenarios have been refreshed to match how 3.0.1 saves them osdn#44152.
  • When a city is disbanded to an unit, and that unit cannot stay at the spot, it now can escape to neighboring tile HRM#692482.

    Activities illegal for the new unit type are cancelled after unit upgrade and conversion osdn#44410.Unit upgrade is disallowed when it's in the process of converting osdn#43328.Also unit's further orders are cancelled, not only the current one, when it turns illegal osdn#44370 osdn#44504 osdn#44519.Improved the way lua variables are included to the savegame osdn#44447Ĭhanges affecting players (supplied rulesets).Savegame integrity check improvements osdn#44211.De changelog voor deze uitgave kan hieronder worden gevonden. De ontwikkelaars hebben enkele dagen geleden versie 3.0.2 uitgebracht, een zogenaamde bugfix-release. Voor meer informatie verwijzen we jullie door naar deze en deze pagina's. De spelers van deze game starten in het jaar 4000 voor Christus met een handvol kolonisten en proberen daarmee een succesvolle beschaving neer te zetten. Er is namelijk sinds 1995 een groep ontwikkelaars bezig om onder de naam Freeciv een opensource-versie te maken die gebaseerd is op dit turn-based strategiespel. De gamers die veel tijd hebben besteed aan Sid Meier's Civilization, dat in 1991 door Microprose voor DOS werd uitgebracht, moeten oppassen om niet opnieuw verslaafd te raken.

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